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Cuban días: Trinidad

Unlike Havana and Varadero, where these cities are universally recognized as a nostalgic destination for a glimpse into the 1940's era with old-fashioned cars, rainbow colored homes, and authentic cuban food, Trinidad is slightly more eccentric. Trinidad is located in central Cuba, boasting colonial architecture and design, lack of technological advances, and near 3rd-world country surroundings. If you desire a trip with a more remote quality, where you can disconnect from the rest of the world and live like a true Cubano...Trinidad is the optimal location for you.

My Trinidad arrival wasn't so "dreamy" to what I initially expected. Issues arose when I had minimal access to wifi, credit cards, and my phones service provider. Wifi in 80% of Trinidad wasn't quite so 'functionable' and limitations for the wifi card were increasing; opening hours varied, documentation was necessary, and the queue was sometimes up to one hour long. It is crucial to be prepared with Cuban peso on hand and contact your service provider prior to your trip about internet access and wifi hotspots. Nonetheless, under these minor circumstances I still was able to have an amazing time in this little town.

I started off my excursion with a visit to the Plaza Mayor, located directly in the historic center of Trinidad, this square displays a sense of true Cubano culture; cobblestone grounds, an array of colors ranging from yellow to green, a mosaic tiled garden. Yet, what I found most spectacular was the view from the top of San Francisco church (mere seconds walking distance from Plaza Mayor). With a narrow staircase and rugged structure to the top, each level had a view more extraordinary than the previous. The panoramic view top presents you with accents of red and orange rooftops and mountains touching the clouds above.

If you're on a mission for a wifi-zone, Plaza Mayor is also the place to get some work done. Providing you with restaurants, cafes, bars, and many more...Plaza Mayor is a can't-miss.

Public Transportation is a little diverse in Trinidad. Yes, there ARE taxi's available like most other cities, however, a common form of transportation found here is horses or bicycle taxis. Hiring a driver is preferable if you are planning to travel slightly outside the center. I contemplated on whether to go outside the center of Trinidad alone, however I was utterly relieved after finding a taxi for decent price to Valle de los Ingenios. Taking the 40 minute drive to Valle de los Ingenios, along the way my driver and I stopped at a small oasis for a traditional Cuban lunch consisting of rice and beans, he spoke in detail of his life in Cuba, and before I knew it we had arrived. The impression I had from the setting was a bit of a culture shock; 3rd world civilized lifestyle, lack of resources, etc. Yet, I was stunned by such raw, untouched beauty.

Stepping onto Valle de los Ingenios you absorb the Cuban authenticity; the women selling crochet shirts and dresses, sheets handmade of cotton and linen, chickens grazing along the grass.

My favorite destination was Parque El Cubano, the name given is pretty self-explanatory but depicts a bigger picture than the typical tourist park. The 2 hour trek was scenic and not invasive making it perfect for any fitness level. Passing translucent lakes, rivers, and waterfall...I felt one with nature.

To Finalize the day, head to Playa Ancon, buses run every 30 minutes from the center of Trinidad making the commute all that much simpler. Water is tranquil and crystal-like, and the white tinted sand runs for miles. Some parts of this coastal zone hold hotels and resorts whilst on the other hand there are many isolated areas boasting a tropical island vibe worth a dip in the ocean.

All in all, I can't complain about my experience for I did absorb all that Trinidad had to offer and I must say that I was immensely impressed. A break from all the fantasy magazine-type destinations provided me with a nice perspective of what other countries have to offer besides the novelties and luxury. Tune in for my next post!

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