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Bali: Ubud Edition

Although my Bali adventure may have been some time ago...the remarkably positive impact that it has left on me remains intact. Throughout my stay I traveled to countless locations, (including Canggu, which I profoundly adored in more ways than one) yet, my primary base was the one and only, Ubud. Many refer to Ubud as the "Heart of Bali", a true haven for those with a nag for crafts, antiques, temples, rice fields, waterfalls, museums...the list is endless. I personally found Ubud to be one of the most culturally drawn towns in Bali (also, unfortunately, one of the most touristy areas to scavenge through). The neighboring villages such as Campuhan, Batuan, Penestanan, and Peliatan are a necessary scooter drive away from Ubud. The innumerable places to discover in and around Ubud can last eternity, I suppose thats the magic of this jungle paradise.


Tukad Cepung Waterfall: This was beyond my expectation, it was like uncovering a grand treasure within the Jungle. Beyond an enchanting cave you find yourself at a dead end where there is a clear opening for sunlight to peak through and a beautifully raw stream of water to pour upon the rocks.

Tibumana Waterfall: This subtle beauty has attracted many due to its pool of natural water beneath the fall, especially myself for its fairytale-like appeal.

Kanto Lampo Waterfall: Known for its layers of slippery rocks, this waterfall was most alluring to tourists due to its easily accessible location from the center of Ubud (and obviously its stunning views).

Chill Spot to Unwind:

Folk Pool & Gardens: I would come here practically every day before heading to my homestay; the good-vibe music, captivating atmosphere, trendy cabanas, and great food made this place a habitual hotspot for me (especially because entrance was free before 12:00).


Mudra Cafe: I can vouch that this cafe had the best cappuccino (mainly because it comes to you in the most unique tableware) and freshest fruit smoothie bowls.

Watercress Cafe: I would go here every other morning for their yogurt/dragonfruit/mango/granola bowls that put any other parfait to shame. Reasonably priced and located across from Folk Pool & Gardens which makes it even more tempting.

My favorite Rice Field:

Rice Terrace Tegalalang: Around 30 minutes from Ubud, this Rice Field has the potential to 1. blow your mind and/or 2. make your sandals/sneakers inevitably DIRTY. Its quite the maze this place, I got lost within the first 10 minutes of wandering off.

The Go-To Market:

Ubud Traditional Art Market: For any possible item, knicky-knack, food, or souvenir in mind...this is your ideal Market and one of the most renown. Hundreds of booths flood the street of this market, so most likely you will leave with a little gesture to bring home. I would recommend that when at a booth, try to negotiate the prices of certain pieces because they fluctuate depending on the item being purchased and obviously the customer.

Thanks for reading, tune in for my next post!

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